Monday, April 23, 2012

Final Check list on #0191

Be sure and check out my other posts on this blouse.  Started out simple but....  Then it went down hill.  You can always check out for more adventures with this top.
VPLL Checklist
  1.  Pattern Name Blouse - E0191
  2. Sewer’s Skill Level: Advance, Intermediate, Beginner - Still a beginner but getting better every garment
  3. Pattern Rating: 1-Not a Fan, 2 – So-So, 3 – Good/Average, 4-Better than Average, 5-I LOVED IT! and why? 1 - this pattern was hard to make up and nothing seemed to fit together no matter what I did.
  4. What skill level would someone need to sew this pattern and why? - Advanced as this pattern would require a lot of adjustments to actually fit an adult woman.
  5. Were the instructions easy to follow? If not, what needs to be changed?  It wasn't the instructions that made this blouse hard it was the pattern that just didn't fit together correctly no matter what I did.
  6. How was the fit/sizing?  Did it correspond to what you thought?  fit and sizing were the main problem.  The shoulders were too tight and it was so short it ended up being a halter top, not very 1912.....
  7. Did you make any pattern alterations? If so, what alterations did you make? Where they fit or design alterations?  I did all kinds of fit alterations, made the top longer, did a FBA, added a gusset under the arms to allow movement and put a band on the bottom.  The 2nd time I made it up I did all those changes plus it changed the way it was laid out to allow the back center to be on the straight of grain.  As for design changes I tried to keep the essence of the blouse the same as the pattern but the 2nd time I made it I did not line it as the lining did not match up with the blouse.  This actually made it fit better along with all the other changes I did to the pattern.
  8. Other notes:  This was really a rough project, I didn't enjoy anything about making this garment at all

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