Well of all the dumb things, I took a fall working in the yard yesterday. Had to get me daughter drive me to the ER. I really thought it was a bad sprain but nope, I broke it. Typing one handed is a pain so don't look too nclose.
Max has settled down into thenursing home, I know it is the safest thing for him but I sure do miss him, AQlzheimer's is a terrible thing.
here are some of my latest projects!
Doll dresses
Aprons andbonnets
Friday, July 27, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Final posting on E0291 Wrap
This has to be one of the loveliest garments I have made in a long time, new or old patterns. The FBA was easy to do and just check it out to see how I did the adjustments.
I can just see this lovely wrap in the fall with a black turtle neck and skinny pants or a pencil skirt just like this!
Instead of doing a satin trim on the sleeves I did a flat lace that seemed to bring out the best in the soft gray silk.
Pattern Review Checklist:
I can just see this lovely wrap in the fall with a black turtle neck and skinny pants or a pencil skirt just like this!
Instead of doing a satin trim on the sleeves I did a flat lace that seemed to bring out the best in the soft gray silk.
Pattern Review Checklist:
- Pattern Description - Loose fitting spring/fall wrap, a perfect dressy change instead of a sweater
- Pattern Sizing - 36 but really just is so loose fitting it would fit the average lady.
- Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing it? No, I used a lace instead of satin for the trim on the sides and made the collar the same color as the body of the garment. Also, I didn't put the belt on it.
- Were the instructions easy to follow? I didn't follow directions, just went by the picture. I forgot to print them out and then found I really didn't need them. I found out after I had mine almost finished that the layout was printed wrong in the instructions so maybe it was a good thing I didn't follow them. I also didn't really care for the belt so decided to use a light chain belt.
- What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? Since I am extremely "curvy" I had to do a FBA so that the front didn't pull up.
- Fabric Used - silk with lace trim and rayon a lining
- Pattern alterations or any design changes you made: See my FBA adjustment at this link.
- Would you recommend this pattern to others? Definitely, it is something I would wear and would make it again in light wool for cooler weather.
- Conclusion - A wonderful garment and I would make another one and would recommend it to others.
- Pattern Name - Wrap E0291
- Sewer’s Skill Level: Advance, Intermediate, Beginner - Somewhere between a beginner and intermediate.
- Pattern Rating: 1-Not a Fan, 2 – So-So, 3 – Good/Average, 4-Better than Average, 5-I LOVED IT! and why? 5 I loved it. The made up into a wonderful wrap that is something I will actually use. It was easy to make up and is becoming to all body types.
- What skill level would someone need to sew this pattern and why? A beginner could easily handle this with no problem if they didn't line it or a brave beginner could do it with a lining.
- Were the instructions easy to follow? If not, what needs to be changed? I didn't use the instructions, but after finishing it found out that the instructions for the layout was wrong.
- How was the fit/sizing? Did it correspond to what you thought? It was a good fit with slight adjustments and would fit most average women with no adjustments at all.
- Did you make any pattern alterations? If so, what alterations did you make? Where they fit or design alterations?
- Other notes: My friend has already requested I make one for her! That alone tells me that this is a great pattern.
FBA for the wrap
Even though the wrap is loose when you are busty you still have to do some adjustments in order to allow length for the front and not increase the shoulders. Fortunately this is an easy fix with this pattern.
First slit the pattern front up to 5 inches below where the shoulder dart is. This actually forms an inverted V shape that you are cutting. Please note the picture below.
Note that you spread the front of the pattern more than the side pieces which allows the extra bust area. This is really very simple fix and for those of us with a "curvy" shape so very necessary.
First slit the pattern front up to 5 inches below where the shoulder dart is. This actually forms an inverted V shape that you are cutting. Please note the picture below.
Note that you spread the front of the pattern more than the side pieces which allows the extra bust area. This is really very simple fix and for those of us with a "curvy" shape so very necessary.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Final Check list on #0191
Be sure and check out my other posts on this blouse. Started out simple but.... Then it went down hill. You can always check out http://Maxwellscountry.blogspot.com for more adventures with this top.
VPLL Checklist
VPLL Checklist
- Pattern Name Blouse - E0191
- Sewer’s Skill Level: Advance, Intermediate, Beginner - Still a beginner but getting better every garment
- Pattern Rating: 1-Not a Fan, 2 – So-So, 3 – Good/Average, 4-Better than Average, 5-I LOVED IT! and why? 1 - this pattern was hard to make up and nothing seemed to fit together no matter what I did.
- What skill level would someone need to sew this pattern and why? - Advanced as this pattern would require a lot of adjustments to actually fit an adult woman.
- Were the instructions easy to follow? If not, what needs to be changed? It wasn't the instructions that made this blouse hard it was the pattern that just didn't fit together correctly no matter what I did.
- How was the fit/sizing? Did it correspond to what you thought? fit and sizing were the main problem. The shoulders were too tight and it was so short it ended up being a halter top, not very 1912.....
- Did you make any pattern alterations? If so, what alterations did you make? Where they fit or design alterations? I did all kinds of fit alterations, made the top longer, did a FBA, added a gusset under the arms to allow movement and put a band on the bottom. The 2nd time I made it up I did all those changes plus it changed the way it was laid out to allow the back center to be on the straight of grain. As for design changes I tried to keep the essence of the blouse the same as the pattern but the 2nd time I made it I did not line it as the lining did not match up with the blouse. This actually made it fit better along with all the other changes I did to the pattern.
- Other notes: This was really a rough project, I didn't enjoy anything about making this garment at all
Final results on the slip 0336
VPLL Checklist
- Pattern Name - Slip #E0336
- Sewer’s Skill Level: Advance, Intermediate, Beginner - Somewhere between a beginner and intermediate as it has been awhile since I have done any sewing other than kids clothing or quilting. As I get more work under my belt the more I will feel like an intermediate.
- Pattern Rating: 1-Not a Fan, 2 – So-So, 3 – Good/Average, 4-Better than Average, 5-I LOVED IT! and why? - 4 - I really enjoyed doing this slip as I have been learning to use heirloom techniques and this was a chance to get to use some of them.
- What skill level would someone need to sew this pattern and why? A beginner with some skills could do this if they took their time. This is where I feel like I am now so if I can do it anyone can!
- Were the instructions easy to follow? If not, what needs to be changed? I really didn't follow the directions but I don't tend to follow the guide sheets when sewing with commercial patterns.
- How was the fit/sizing? Did it correspond to what you thought? The sizing was more for "curvy" bodies so it was great for me, I was really surprised that only a little FBA was required to make it fit and the waist and hip were fine.
- Did you make any pattern alterations? If so, what alterations did you make? Where they fit or design alterations? The only alteration to the pattern was a FBA and that required that I use the ribbon beading at the neckline to adjust it. After doing this, it seemed like it was a perfect way to do this fitting adjustment, after all, this is a slip
- Other notes: Fun start to this project! Now for the rest of my outfit.
Wrapped corners for the wrap
Just a few quick updates on the wrap. I have done all the corners with a wrapped corner technique, it makes a sharp corner without having to fight them. Instead of pivoting at the
corner, stitch the seam all the way off the end of the fabric. Fold on the stitching line and press the seam allowance down. (Grade the seam if heavy weight or bulky fabric) Start the other side of the corner seam over the folded edge. After completing the seam, trim the corner but I don't find it necessary with thin fabrics. If you have any questions just ask and I will try my best to explain. I learned this from watching the PBS show, "Sewing with Nancy". I am sure that Nancy Zieman's web site would have better instructions than mine!
I have decided to change the trim on the wrap to lace instead of the trim strip the pattern calls for. It is working out fine and I can hardly wait to finish it where I can post pictures!
I have decided to change the trim on the wrap to lace instead of the trim strip the pattern calls for. It is working out fine and I can hardly wait to finish it where I can post pictures!
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Wrap 0291 adjustments
I am just starting on the wrap pattern and am so glad that I finally got a dressform to do the fitting. I had to do a good deal of adjustments to the form to make it shaped like me. I am way to curvy! I put a bra on it and stuffed it with fiberfill so that it would fit. I have a normal chest size but my boobs are just too big. I only need a size 36 bra but then I need a G or H cup size. I don't understand why so many men and women think "big uns" would be so wonderful, they don't have to carry them around. Oh well, on to the important stuff, pattern fitting! I had to move the bust darts and lengthen the front but no adjustments were needed on the back. I am going to try and figure out how the side seams will go together. May have to add a dart or change the length of the tips where the tassels are sewn on. Will have to figure that out. Now I have to go out and see if I have 2 1/4 yards of some kind of fabric to make this out of. I have some pretty silk but I don't think there is enough to make it up so I may just have to use something else. I went to JoAnn's yesterday and won't be going back to the fabric store until next month. This is the joy of country living! Really, I wouldn't trade it for anything but it is tough to have to plan trips to town especially with gas almost $4.00 a gallon and the fabric store is 40 miles one way.
Monday, April 16, 2012
1912 Changes rules :(
Well, the 1912 Project has changed the rules and I am not sure if I qualified for the 2 garments I already made. It is just confusing but I think I just need to go and re-read the stuff they sent out. I loved making the slip and with a FBA it fit just fine. The blouse was another story, I did so many adjustments on the pattern and it still doesn't "feel" right but I have one more idea, a gusset under the arm. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If I don't get the disk with the patterns I guess it will be just one of those things.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Spring mantle
It has been awhile since I have posted but sometimes being a caretaker for a loved one gets in the way. I have finally got the spring mantle taped together and am ready to do the FBA and cut out a muslin. I have some light wool fabric that I think I will make this out of but will have to see if there is enough to make it. I wish I had it made for this past week, it has been chilly after having 85 degree weather for the past 2 weeks.
I have also requested the girls pattern 0165 for Bridget. She is only 12 but will be able to wear this dress and since she is mature looking it will be good for her, she didn't want any "baby looking" things! 12 going on 21!!!! This one should be a real adventure.
I have also requested the girls pattern 0165 for Bridget. She is only 12 but will be able to wear this dress and since she is mature looking it will be good for her, she didn't want any "baby looking" things! 12 going on 21!!!! This one should be a real adventure.
Friday, March 16, 2012
1912 Blouse
I finally got it figured out. Had to take it all apart and re-cut the body of the blouse. I did some major changes on the fit of the blouse, made it much longer, added a band on the bottom, and changed the way it was cut. The blouse back center seam wasn't on grain the way it was originally laid out, at least I didn't think it was but, after changing it to the grain line, it fits so much better. The sleeves fit smoothly now and don't bind like they did. The seam where it attaches to the blouse body is so strange, you don't match the side seam with the sleeve seam, the sleeve seam is to the front. It is even cute done in the pink dot cotton and will be perfect to wear with jeans or even a skirt for church. I am looking at skirt patterns from this project to make to go with it. Still haven't made up my mind which one I want or if I want to make a wrap instead. Of course if I make a skirt then I can always just wear a lacy shawl that I already have. Another think to consider. My group still hasn't been given a pattern to work on but I know they never thought that so many people would sign up for this project. There are about 400 participants. I am sure that at least 1/2 will drop out after the first pattern. They are really tough but are a good stretch for my sewing skills. Will post the pictures sometime this weekend!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Blouse troubles
My 0910 blouse for the 1912 Project is making me nuts!!!! I just can't seem to get it to fit any where close to right across the shoulders. I may just have to take it all apart AGAIN and resew it or try and lay a regular pattern that fits over it and see if I can figure out what the problem is. I did order a corset, it is not exactly the correct type of this period but I have to have something to hold up my bosom. The 1912 corsets were under bust types and if you are busty that just won't work or at least I can't figure out how to make them work. The one I got is bad enough, it is very low cut, more like a shelf bra. I can understand why they ladies wore corset covers and all the other undergarments they wore. I am going to have to look up on line to figure out what order they go on. I don't know who I am going to get to cinch me into this silly corset, that alone should be funny. I told Max we need to have a canopy bed so I could hang on to it like Scarlett O'Hara did when Mammy cinched h
er up. I will give a report on this big adventure when I get enough nerve up to give it a try. Well, I'll write some more later when I get this blouse figured out.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Figured it out!
I just finally figured out that that is not a band on the bottom of the blouse, it is the skirt band. I think the basque piece is what threw me off but got it figured out now. Found some old fabric that I can use to make up my muslin. Not a muslin but it will work! This is going to be an interesting blouse. Maybe interesting isn't the right word, different? If I don't get some sleep tonight I am going to put it away until I'm not so tired or I am going to mess it up so bad that there won't be anyway to fix it. Don't know what the problem is, just wide awake at 3 AM! Now I am sleepy, wonder why........ Off to go do some work on my little brother's quilt. One of these days I am going to quit calling him my little brother, after all he is over 6' tall and 200 pounds and is 50 years old!
My stupid computer has a stuck key, "X" and of course I use it all the time since it is in my last name. Just one more of those silly things that makes me growl!
My stupid computer has a stuck key, "X" and of course I use it all the time since it is in my last name. Just one more of those silly things that makes me growl!
Strange problem
Well, got the blouse cut out of some old cotton fabric that I had and I got started making it up. Sounds good so far, right? Well, that is where the good part ends. For some reason, the blouse is more like a halter top. It is super short. I figured out that what I thought was the band at the bottom was just the skirt band which just makes it worse instead of better. I guess I am going to have to hope that someone else has this same trouble and can explain how to fix it or at least what they are doing about it. (Side note: My stupid "X" key is still sticking on my laptop. Didn't realize how much I used it until it didn't work.) I guess that only one of the reasons to make up a muslin before you make up the garment in nice fabric. I would have been really OPed if I had cut it out of the pretty silk and then found out that it is short. The instructions don't really explain anything about the bottom of this blouse. Well, guess I will go back and re-read it again and see if something jumps out at me or see if someone on Facebook has made it up and had the same problem. I knew that I would have to do an adjustment on the bust measurement and that wasn't hard since I have to do that on all my tops, hurray for Nancy Zieman's fitting book, if you haven't used it and you have very many alterations to do with commercial patterns you will be glad you bought it. I may have to get a new one as mine is getting a little raggedy. Of course mine is one of the first ones.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Latest on the 1912 Project
Here I go with the 2nd garment in the 1912 Project. This one is a ladies blouse, #0191. This drawing at the right is what it supposed to look like, but probably not what mine will look like! I nearly went crazy just working on the pattern layout, the front and back is all one piece but the lining is like a regular blouse, very odd. In some ways it was easier than the first pattern I printed out, the Princess slip, at least I knew how to lay all the paper pieces out. Since the front and back is one giant piece I thought I had done something wrong when I was taping it together but it is just the way the blouse is made. I'll try and show you what it looks like as I go along. I have to do a lot of adjustments as I am probably not going to wear a corset and even if I did, can't see me cinching down to a 25" waist and wearing it for any length of time! The blouse is really beautiful and will be nice to wear with a simple skirt or even jeans. I love the way it has a band on the bottom of it and 3/4 length sleeves are back in fashion. I am thinking of not making the bottom band look like a belt as it does in the drawing, instead just leave it plain. I don't think it would matter since I am really trying to make it more modern, so I can wear it now and not exactly like a 1912 version. I have a piece of yummy green silk that I have had a long time but never made into anything, couldn't find the right thing for such a luxurious piece of fabric so I just kept it for "something" well, I think that "something" has come along. Now I just have to figure out what to use as a trim. I also have a piece of gray linen but that might be a bit stiff and not drape very well but it would make a nice skirt to go with this top. Next time I will be working on the muslin of this top and try and get all the adjustments done to correct the size of this top.
Friday, February 24, 2012
The Slip Part 2
![]() |
Bob helping |
Thursday, February 23, 2012
1912 slip project

Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Happy February
Here it is already, the 2nd month of 2012, are you still writing 2011 on your checks? I write so very few checks that it isn't generally a problem but had to write the date yesterday, I did it right but it just looked wrong!
I had a wonderful text conversation with John (my brother) yesterday. Seems like he is a little down in the dumps, wish I was closer to him, we might could share our loads. I don't know what he is down about but maybe things will get better for him soon. I am going to make a quilt for him, he said any color but KY blue would be good when I asked him what colors he wanted. I have a blue patchwork I have started on but I don't know if it is KY blue or just blue but I think that is what he is going to get since I have the materials, just hope it is going to be basically what he wants. Nothing warms the body like a hand made quilt, especially one that is made with love. Max wags his small one around like Linus. I don't know if the one I am making John will be small enough for him to do that, I think it will be bed sized. May go ahead and make a lap quilt for him to match it. I sent him a picture of Emma's bright colored one, he didn't say if he liked it but I had also sent a picture of George and both John and his girlfriend thought he was the cutest thing. She wanted one but no one answered me when I asked where the goat would stay, after all he is a goat no matter how sweet and cute they are when they are babies. Kind of like puppies and kittens, they grow up to be dogs and cats and lose that "cute factor". Of course there are those animals that always have it. Kind of like Andy, everyone that comes by the house stops and pets him and he is such a ham. The Fed-Ex man did a delivery the other day and was petting Fritz and then asked me what Andy was. When I told him that he was a mini horse the poor man's jaw just dropped and he asked if Andy was a foal. Hard to believe that he is a 4 year old stallion. I hope we don't have a problem this spring when the girls go into season and he doesn't know that he is only 34" tall!
Have to go get busy, got some orders to finish up today so they can get shipped, one apron bucket, 3 aprons and 3 bonnets. Great to be able to make a little extra money and still be able to stay home with Max, there is no way I could not stay home with him unless I had someone stay with him. Those costs would keep me from making any money at all with what sitters charge. I don't mind paying Cody to stay with him sometimes when I need a break, but that is different. Guess I need to find out if there is any kind of program that would pay for respite day care. He wouldn't go someplace else so someone would have to come here and stay with him. I am going to try and go with Teresa on Friday to Murfreesboro but will just have to wait and see. It is hard not to be able not to just go off for even a couple of hours without worrying about him.
I had a wonderful text conversation with John (my brother) yesterday. Seems like he is a little down in the dumps, wish I was closer to him, we might could share our loads. I don't know what he is down about but maybe things will get better for him soon. I am going to make a quilt for him, he said any color but KY blue would be good when I asked him what colors he wanted. I have a blue patchwork I have started on but I don't know if it is KY blue or just blue but I think that is what he is going to get since I have the materials, just hope it is going to be basically what he wants. Nothing warms the body like a hand made quilt, especially one that is made with love. Max wags his small one around like Linus. I don't know if the one I am making John will be small enough for him to do that, I think it will be bed sized. May go ahead and make a lap quilt for him to match it. I sent him a picture of Emma's bright colored one, he didn't say if he liked it but I had also sent a picture of George and both John and his girlfriend thought he was the cutest thing. She wanted one but no one answered me when I asked where the goat would stay, after all he is a goat no matter how sweet and cute they are when they are babies. Kind of like puppies and kittens, they grow up to be dogs and cats and lose that "cute factor". Of course there are those animals that always have it. Kind of like Andy, everyone that comes by the house stops and pets him and he is such a ham. The Fed-Ex man did a delivery the other day and was petting Fritz and then asked me what Andy was. When I told him that he was a mini horse the poor man's jaw just dropped and he asked if Andy was a foal. Hard to believe that he is a 4 year old stallion. I hope we don't have a problem this spring when the girls go into season and he doesn't know that he is only 34" tall!
Have to go get busy, got some orders to finish up today so they can get shipped, one apron bucket, 3 aprons and 3 bonnets. Great to be able to make a little extra money and still be able to stay home with Max, there is no way I could not stay home with him unless I had someone stay with him. Those costs would keep me from making any money at all with what sitters charge. I don't mind paying Cody to stay with him sometimes when I need a break, but that is different. Guess I need to find out if there is any kind of program that would pay for respite day care. He wouldn't go someplace else so someone would have to come here and stay with him. I am going to try and go with Teresa on Friday to Murfreesboro but will just have to wait and see. It is hard not to be able not to just go off for even a couple of hours without worrying about him.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Deuteronomy 28:43 "The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower."
I am having one of those "thoughty" days. I'm not sure why, maybe because I have been reading SurvivalBlog.com and Salvation And Survival here on blogspot. Makes me think about what in the devil is happening in our country. I guess I really PO'd a "friend" on Facebook last night, he said that Romney was a Nazi and I popped off that Obama was a Fascist. Well, I guess I was wrong, more of a Socialist but the thought was there. GRRRR
Now I need to think about happier stuff, I am planning to go to the Quilt Show in Paduka, KY in April. Max has even said that he wants to go! It will be fun to take a few days off and just go and play! Go and wander around the show. Several of my friends have been there and say the whole town has stuff going on for the attendees. I just hope Max is going to be up to going with me, he needs to get away from the house too. Maybe if he isn't I will get Cody to stay with him and I will go meet Tammy there. Either way, I really NEED to go!
I am having one of those "thoughty" days. I'm not sure why, maybe because I have been reading SurvivalBlog.com and Salvation And Survival here on blogspot. Makes me think about what in the devil is happening in our country. I guess I really PO'd a "friend" on Facebook last night, he said that Romney was a Nazi and I popped off that Obama was a Fascist. Well, I guess I was wrong, more of a Socialist but the thought was there. GRRRR
Now I need to think about happier stuff, I am planning to go to the Quilt Show in Paduka, KY in April. Max has even said that he wants to go! It will be fun to take a few days off and just go and play! Go and wander around the show. Several of my friends have been there and say the whole town has stuff going on for the attendees. I just hope Max is going to be up to going with me, he needs to get away from the house too. Maybe if he isn't I will get Cody to stay with him and I will go meet Tammy there. Either way, I really NEED to go!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
I hate the ER
Spent part of night before last in the ER with Max. He fell last week and then got sick at his stomach during the night and pulled in his side where he hit when he fell. Long story short, at about 3:30 a.m. he says, "I think you are going to have to take me to the ER". Anyway, off we go (after I scraped the ice off the windshield). The doctor had an x-ray done on his abdomen and nothing was broke and he didn't have pneumonia but the doctor thinks he has a deep bruise and may have bruised his liver. Sent us home after giving him a powerful pain shot and a prescription for more of it. Of course he slept like a baby all day yesterday while I walked the floor and wrung my hands worrying. I slept like a rock last night though, think I made up for the lost sleep and then some! Even though everyone at the ER was so very nice it was hard to be there and really good to be able to come back home.
We did have a fun time over the weekend though, got to babysit George while Teresa went to the Pick Tennessee thingy in Nashville. The cats played with him and he kept looking for "nookies" on Maggie Mae. She did not think there was anything fun about that but finally would chase him around and then let him chase her, reminded me of Fritz and Andy playing. This is a picture of George.
We did have a fun time over the weekend though, got to babysit George while Teresa went to the Pick Tennessee thingy in Nashville. The cats played with him and he kept looking for "nookies" on Maggie Mae. She did not think there was anything fun about that but finally would chase him around and then let him chase her, reminded me of Fritz and Andy playing. This is a picture of George.
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