I have started working on my first project in the 1912 Project. This is a sewing project in honor of the 1912 sinking of the Titanic. It is a slip, sounds simple doesn't it? After all, it is just a slip. Well, remember that in 1912 all the proper ladies had a maid to assist them in dressing. This slip has buttons all down the back and unless you are some kind of contortionist you would have to have help! Most women today wouldn't have a clue how to dress in the garments they wore then. Heck, when I see how a lot of women go out in public they don't know how to dress now, lots of them look like they just fell out of bed and went to where ever they were going. I may not be a fashion plate but I do comb my hair and put on jeans and don't go out in my PJ's. I am going to use this slip as a summer night gown when I finish it. It may be the summer before I get all the lace put on it! I am so glad that I bought the giant box of lace at the garage sale 2 years ago. Didn't have any idea what I was going to do with it when I bought it but I think it will all be put to good use now. I will be able to just put lace on all sorts of stuff. I am struggling with how to do the pleated bottom ruffle, may just leave it off and put a piece of lace around the bottom. Have to think about that! The only way I can think of to do the pleating is to pleat it and iron it and hope the pleating would stay in but I don't think it would. Here we are, back to needing that maid!! I will post picture of the slip when I finish it. I really should have taken pictures of me trying to lay out the pattern print out with Bob, Richard and Bear helping. Three large black cats were really not helping no matter what they thought but at least if a hurricane had come through my pattern wouldn't have blown away! Printing it out on regular sized paper then taping it all together was hard to do. (especially with the guys helping). Tune in later for the next adventure in slip making!
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