I have to finish up the 13 quilt blocks for the blue and white swap and have sold 2 dog halters that I have to make. The lady ordered one green one for her poodle and one for her daughter's dachshund. Never made one for a dachshund before, don't know how long to make it. Making one for Jerry the Cavy was a little strange, had to allow for his "little" pot belly. Also have to get some halters done up to take to the groomer's shop. She and I decided that Valentine's day might be the next big seller, that and the University of TN and AL. Those Crimson Tide fans are serious about their University something like the U of T fans!. The Titans haven't done good enough this year to have their fans want theirs this year, maybe next year! Thought I might run one of the stuffed dog models by the vets office and see if they would handle them there. Maybe just a sign with the prices and my cards? Will have to see. Since I have to take the car to the shop tomorrow to get the oil changed maybe I can go by both of them then.
Here is a picture of one of the models with a UT halter. I can make them with almost any kind of fabric, just have to be able to find what people want and sometimes that is the hardest part. I would do one for Texas A & M but I don't think there are many fans of them up here.
Since the title of this post is Sock Monkey and I haven't even mentioned them I guess I should add that I finally found where I could order the socks to make them and now that I have a really good sewing machine I just want to make some for fun! Know any little ones that would like one? 2 pair of socks came today.
Here is the scoop on the halters for small dogs:
- Collars only encircle the neck, our harnesses have a band that surrounds the chest too. This design allows for distribution of force which may prevent choking and lower the chance of slipping out that is possible with only a collar. Harness usage is growing in popularity among many pet owners - especially for those with smaller breed dogs or exotic pets. These halters are designed to reduce the stress placed on your pet's neck while walking on a lead.
Harnesses that have an added skirt and sash are available for your special little girl.